



第一次訂還送你兩百!今天中午、晚上我想點...胡記通化街米粉湯 台北林森店

進偉路清心福全 台北中正泉州店給給手搖飲 Gift DrinkELECT
下柑路麥味登 北市農安松江德律風
福星馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋 第宅店台中市外送
村南路OGGI 歐奇窯烤披薩 敦南店日本料理外送
男子想靠手術找回性福 丁立文:治療前應三思

  • 1-Scoop Serving: Nitraflex is so potent, only 1 scoop (1 serving) is necessary. Do not exceed 1 scoop in a single 24-hour period. Do not take Nitraflex within 5 hours of bedtime.
  • High Citrulline:Arginine Ratio: Arginine is a proven precursor to nitric oxide (NO), a vasodilator. What most people don't know is that arginine supplementation stimulates the activity of arginase, an enzyme that breaks down arginine. Over time, this may actually result in reduced arginine and NO levels, in turn causing your pre-workout formula to stop working. Research suggests that supplementing with a high ratio of citrulline to arginine may reduce this risk by avoiding overstimulation of arginase.†
  • CFB Helps Support Testosterone: In a clinical study, calcium fructopyranose borate (CFB) was shown to increase total and free testosterone within 3 hours of a single dose equivalent to just over 2 scoops of Nitraflex.† A longer-term study reported an increase in free testosterone by up to 29%.†
  • Effective Dose of Beta-Alanine: The clinically-proven performance enhancer beta-alanine was not "fairy dusted" in this formula. Rather, we added a powerful dose that you will feel working following your very first serving. (May promote slight, tingly-cerebral sensation).
  • Creatine-Free: Creatine causes water retention, which can make achieving a dry, hard muscular look even more difficult. Sometimes creatine is added to products precisely for this reason. We left it out of Nitraflex precisely for this reason. Thus making Nitraflex ideal for pre-contest prep and lean muscle physique.†
  • Cognitive Enhancers: Nitraflex contains unique ratios of scientifically validated compounds that help you remain alert, intense and focused while you're flying from set to set with veins fully dilated and muscles pumped to the extreme. (DMAE)†